Quest:The Last Great Stronghold

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The Last Great Stronghold
Level 93
Type Solo
Starts with Théoden
Starts at The Deeping-coomb
Start Region Helm's Deep
Map Ref [60.8S, 88.8W]
Ends with Éomer
Ends at The Deeping-coomb
End Region Helm's Deep
Map Ref [60.8S, 88.8W]
Quest Group Westfold
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

You ask the king why he and his company turned away from the Fords. Would it not be better to block the forces of Isengard from pouring through the gap?

'It is a just question, <name>, but things have taken a dire turn. Such is the news we received when Gandalf rode off. It is his counsel I follow, and you would be wise to do the same.

'I had hoped to ride to the Fords to aid Erkenbrand, but Gamling here has more current news.'


You cannot help but wonder why the king turned south to the keep of Helm's Deep, rather than ride down his enemy upon the plains of the Westfold.

Objective 1

Gamling the Old can be found at Helm's Dike in the southern Westfold.

You should ask Gamling for news of the Westfold.

Gamling the Old: 'The Fords have fallen already, stranger. It is lucky that King Théoden turned his course when he did, for even Erkenbrand and his company could not withstand the might of the enemy.
'We hold this gate for Erkenbrand, and wait now for his return. We have heard naught of him since the second battle at the Fords, in which the lords of the Westfold were scattered.
'Have you had news of him? Our hope lies in Erkenbrand's strength. He is the master of this keep!'
You regretfully tell Gamling that you have had no news at all of Erkenbrand

Objective 2

Éomer is at Helm's Dike in the south-eastern Westfold.

You should speak with Éomer.

King Théoden, Aragorn, Gimli: 'Yes?'
Éomer: You ask Éomer why the Rohirrim do not attempt to ride the enemy down on the plain, since the riders have such a great advantage on horseback.
'It is true that we are far stronger than any foe on foot, but....'
Éomer trails off.
Éomer is reluctant to speak his thoughts

Objective 3

Éomer wishes to relay the counsel of Gandalf, and the news they received upon the road.

You should speak with Éomer.

Éomer: 'It is not my wish to make dire predictions for the fate of my people. I will tell you of the events upon the road, when Gandalf parted from our company and bade us come here.'
Complete Instance: The Last Great Stronghold

Objective 4

  • Speak with Éomer

Éomer wishes to speak with you.

You should speak with Éomer.

Éomer: 'Do you not see, <name>? More likely than not, this is to be the last stand of the Rohirrim. The Hornburg is our best hope in surviving this night.
'The enemy sends all of his might to meet us at this very place. If he wants a fight, he will have it.
'Join us, friend. We will make the White Hand rue the day they set foot on this land!'